DEVELOPA offers professional strategic design & innovation services.

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Design Management
/ A
Design Process
/ B
Design R&D
/ C
A / Design Management

B / Design Process

C / Design R&D

Design Management

DEVELOPA works with leadership teams in the management of design & innovation. We focus on the directive and administrative responsibilities of design leadership, looking at strategy, tactics and operation.

Design & innovation imply successful development and change. We work with structures and frameworks enabling leaders to implement this progress within both their organisations and offerings.

Design Strategy.

Design Process

Working with strategic design & innovation among people and organisations requires both defined and dynamic processes. We develop and facilitate tailored design processes, bringing design leaders and development teams forwards with greater effect.

DEVELOPA brings the working process to life, applying proven methods and tools. Our processes define approaches, expectations and deliverables making progress transparent and accountable in terms of resources, responsibilities, and results.

Innovation Facilitation.

Design R&D

We work in close collaboration with you, researching to develop knowledgeable understanding of your customers, organisation, surrounding industry & ambition. Here we identify innovation opportunities.

Change is constantly progressing and together we are part of driving it. We are both creative and analytical at heart. Through applied insight we focus on highly relevant qualities and benefits, designing unique experiences that make your products and services outstanding.

Design & Innovation Research, Product Design, Service Design, Digital Design.

DEVELOPA fulfils vital design roles across a diverse range of client challenges.

Outside-In Consulting

DEVELOPA brings fresh thinking to development opportunities and challenges. Whether we are disrupting convention with new perspectives, providing new skill-sets, or driving progress with concrete solutions, DEVELOPA will positively inspire and contribute.

Capacity Assisting

All development cycles have peaks of activity where extra capacity is needed. DEVELOPA will provide you with extra hands and minds to assist and deliver on quality and time, every time.

Plug-In Department

Many start-ups and SME’s have no internal resources assigned to design and innovation. DEVELOPA will be your in-sourced strategic design and innovation team providing instant expertise in transforming your offerings and business.

We will help developing your business with outstanding design experiences.

Let’s talk about project opportunities & challenges...