Service Design.
DEVELOPA provides service design consulting delivering outstanding business growth & customer experiences.
Service Design.
What we offer:
DEVELOPA applies strategic design thinking to create better services that deliver their intended outcomes for both service users and providers. We are highly experienced in designing stand-alone services and product-supporting services across a broad range of industries.
How we work:
Modern service design creates interactions between providers and customers, shifting transactions to lasting relationships. We work closely with you and your service stakeholder network. Our processes bring business and human centred insights together. This ensures desirable front-end customer experiences, delivered through a feasible and economically viable operations back-end.
What we do:
We help companies of all sizes from emerging start-ups to long-established leading global brands. We’ve designed services in sectors such as medical procedures, educational services, retailing, experience centres, tourism and heavy industry. Our client references speak for themselves. Call to talk about how together we can add value to your next strategic service design.
See selected examples:
Heavy industry: Pieter Mouritsen’s Blue Wolf equipment services.
Medical care: Acarix diagnostics procedures and device.
Schools indoor climate: IndeSpot’s indoor climate services for schools.
We work globally with both private & public sector clients.
- Since 1993 -
"DEVELOPA helped us to radically change how we develop our products and services. By including our entire organization, suppliers, logistics chain, key customers & end-users within the project, DEVELOPA’s approach to strategic design created real value at many levels. This has truly proven itself with a noticable and positive impact to our bottom line."Pieter Mouritsen, Managing Director, Pieter Mouritsen A/S.
Pieter Mouritsen, Managing Director, Pieter Mouritsen A/S.
Pieter Mouritsen A/S
"The concept of acoustic rule-out of heart disease is radically new and needed a bold solution. DEVELOPA challenged typical blue-white medical hardware, while integrating a methodology of use in the CADScor System that transforms patient workflow. The result is very radical, appealing and convincing. Surely why the Acarix CADScor System was awarded the Danish Design Award."Claus B.V. Christensen, COO, Acarix A/S.
Claus B.V. Christensen, COO, Acarix A/S.
Acarix A/S